There are two methods to create buttons.
Include Jodit
Copy<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/jodit.min.css" /> <script src="build/jodit.min.js"></script>
Create input element
Copy<textarea id="editor">Some text</textarea>
Extend controls store = { iconURL: './build/images/icons/269-info.png', popup: function (editor) { var text = Jodit.modules.Helpers.trim(editor.editor.innerText); var wordCount = text.split(/[\s\n\r\t]+/).filter(function (value) { return value; }).length; var charCount = text.replace(/[\s\n\r\t]+/, '').length; return ( '<div style="padding: 10px;">' + 'Words: ' + wordCount + '<br>' + 'Chars: ' + charCount + '<br>' + '</div>' ); } };
And use this button by name or create another button like ControlType
Copyconst editor = Jodit.make('#editor', { buttons: [ 'image', { iconURL: './images/copy.png', exec: function (editor) { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) { editor.execCommand('selectall'); } editor.execCommand('copy'); Jodit.Alert('Text in your clipboard'); } } ], extraButtons: ['info'] });