Editor in iframe

When you want to set unique styles for editable text, but do not want to connect them to the main page.
You can tell the editor to open the edit box in the iframe.

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  iframe: true,
  iframeDefaultSrc: 'https://xdsoft.net/jodit/docs/',
  iframeBaseUrl: 'https://xdsoft.net/jodit/docs/',
  iframeTitle: 'Jodit',
  iframeStyle: 'html{margin: 0px;}',
  iframeCSSLinks: ['styles/default.css']

For example, this can be convenient for admin panels, where there should not be styles from the site itself.


iframe(editor): void

Iframe plugin - use iframe instead of DIV in editor. It can be need when you want to attach custom styles in editor
in backend of you system


Name Type
editor IJodit



Defined in
