Clean HTML

The plugin provides a way to ensure that the document does not contain unwanted tags, XSS scripts, and similar elements.

For instance, you can explicitly define which tags or attributes are allowed or disallowed:

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  cleanHTML: {
    allowTags: {
      p: true,
      a: {
        href: true
      table: true,
      tbody: true,
      tr: true,
      td: true,
      th: false,
      img: {
        src: '1.png'

You can also disable specific tags. For example, let's disable script tags and images:

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  cleanHTML: {
    denyTags: 'script,img'

Alternatively, you can use an object to specify the denied tags:

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  cleanHTML: {
    denyTags: {
      script: true,
      img: true

The plugin settings can be accessed under the namespace Config.cleanHTML.
