Clean HTML

The plugin provides a way to ensure that the document does not contain unwanted tags, XSS scripts, and similar elements.

For instance, you can explicitly define which tags or attributes are allowed or disallowed:

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  cleanHTML: {
    allowTags: {
      p: true,
      a: {
        href: true
      table: true,
      tbody: true,
      tr: true,
      td: true,
      th: false,
      img: {
        src: '1.png'

You can also disable specific tags. For example, let's disable script tags and images:

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  cleanHTML: {
    denyTags: 'script,img'

Alternatively, you can use an object to specify the denied tags:

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  cleanHTML: {
    denyTags: {
      script: true,
      img: true

The plugin settings can be accessed under the namespace Config.cleanHTML.

Allow and deny tags

The option allowTags is more priority than denyTags.
If the allowTags is set, then all the tags that are not indicated in allowTags will be removed.

const editor = Jodit.make('#editor', {
  cleanHTML: {
    allowTags: {
      script: true,
    denyTags: {
      script: true,

editor.value = '<script>alert(1)</script><p>test</p>';
// The result will be only <script>alert(1)</script> because the script tag is allowed
console.log(editor.value); // <script>alert(1)</script>
