
Module for working with remote images or just files. Allows you to upload / delete / rename files on the server.

A prerequisite for the module to work is the server side. Jodit offers its own implementation in php jodit-connectors. The module will not work without the server side.

You can write the backend yourself, it must support API
Module settings allow you to override behavior for your server-side implementation.

For example, by default, the server side returns a list of files in this format:

  "success": true,
  "time": "2021-12-23 16:30:01",
  "data": {
    "sources": [
        "baseurl": "",
        "path": "/folder/somepath/",
        "files": [
            "name": "pexels-sachin-c-nair-954929.jpg",
            "type": "image"
            "name": "pexels-james-wheeler-417074.jpg",
            "type": "image"
        "name": "default"
    "code": 220

But what if your server returns such data for example?

    "name": "pexels-sachin-c-nair-954929.jpg",
    "type": "image"
    "name": "pexels-james-wheeler-417074.jpg",
    "type": "image"

In this case, you can add the setting IFileBrowser.ajax.process or define the same setting for a specific handle,
for example, to get a list IFileBrowser.items

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  filebrowser: {
    ajax: {
      url: '', // this parameter is required
      process: resp => {
        return {
          success: true,
          time: '2021-12-23 16:30:01',
          data: {
            sources: [
                path: '/folder/somepath/',
                files: resp,
                name: 'default'
            code: 220

but in that case all the responses of the all endpoints will be processed by this function. Better to handle the response for a specific handle:

Jodit.make('#editor', {
  filebrowser: {
    ajax: {
      url: ''
    // a request for a list of files will be handled in a special way
    items: {
      process: resp => {
        return {
          success: true,
          time: '2021-12-23 16:30:01',
          data: {
            sources: [
                path: '/folder/somepath/',
                files: resp,
                name: 'default'
            code: 220


  • filebrowser.howLongShowMsg=3000 How long to show an error message
    in the status bar (ms)
  • filebrowser.sort=function (a, b, sortBy, parent) { return b.changed - a.changed;}
    Items sort functions
  • filebrowser.sortBy='changed-desc' Sort by field
  • filebrowser.filter=function (item, searchWord) { return !== -1} Filter items
  • filebrowser.showFileName=true Show filename in thumbs
  • filebrowser.showFileSize=true Show filesize in thumbs
  • filebrowser.showFileChangeTime=true Show the last modification time in thumbs
  • filebrowser.editImage=true use ImageEditor - crop and resize image
  • filebrowser.preview=true Show preview button in context menu
  • filebrowser.showPreviewNavigation=true Show navigation buttons in preview
  • filebrowser.showSelectButtonInPreview=true Show select button in preview
  • filebrowser.contextMenu=true use context menu
  • filebrowser.createNewFolder=true The ability to create a directory of the web browser
  • filebrowser.deleteFolder=true The ability to delete directories from the web browser
  • filebrowser.moveFolder=true The ability to move directories from the web browser
  • filebrowser.moveFile=true The ability to move file from the web browser
  • filebrowser.showFoldersPanel=true Show folders panel
  • filebrowser.width=763px The width of the web browser
  • filebrowser.height=400px The height of the file browser
  • filebrowser.buttons=[ 'filebrowser.upload', 'filebrowser.remove', 'filebrowser.update', '', 'filebrowser.edit', '|', 'filebrowser.tiles', 'filebrowser.list', '|', 'filebrowser.filter', '|', 'filebrowser.sort', ]


var editor = Jodit.make('#editor', {
  filebrowser: {
    buttons: [
        name: 'deleteall',
        icon: 'remove',
        exec: function (fb) {
          fb.state.elements().forEach(function () {

  • filebrowser.isSuccess method to check - whether the response positive
  • filebrowser.getMessage method for receiving a message from the response
Jodit.make('#editor', {
  filebrowser: {
    isSuccess: function (resp) {
      return resp.status == 1;
    getMessage: function (resp) {
      return resp.message;
  • filebrowser.view='tiles' Filelist view - tiles or list
  • filebrowser.ajax The default settings for AJAX connections to the server.
    Most of the settings like here jQuery.ajax but is not jQuery.ajax
  • filebrowser.ajax.prepareData Method of preparation
    of data to be sent to the server
  • filebrowser.ajax.process The method of processing the
    data obtained after administration of the server. Must return this PlainObject format
const response = {
  files: resp.files || [], // {array} The names of files or folders,
  // files canbe ['image.jpg', 'image.jpg2', 'image3.jpg' ...] and [{file: 'image.jpg', thumb: '_thumbs/image.jpg'}, {file: 'image2.jpg', thumb: '_thumbs/image2.jpg'} ...]
  path: resp.path, // {string} Real relative path
  baseurl: resp.baseurl, // {string} Base url for filebrowser
  error: resp.error, // {int}
  msg: resp.msg // {string}
  • filebrowser.ajax.url='' Address entry point on the server for AJAX connection
  •{} Default data to send to the server
  • filebrowser.ajax.headers={} An object of additional header key/value pairs toWYSIWYG
    send along with requests using the XMLHttpRequest transport. The header X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
    is always added, but its default XMLHttpRequest value can be changed here.
    @property {object} filebrowser.resize Settings for AJAX connections to the server to resize
    image. By default, the uses Config.filebrowser.ajax with argument
  • filebrowser.crop Settings for AJAX connections to the server to crop image.
    By default, the uses Config.filebrowser.ajax with argument
  • filebrowser.c Settings for AJAX connections to the server to create
    the category . By default, the uses Config.filebrowser.ajax
    with argument action=create
  • filebrowser.move Settings for AJAX connections to the server for the moving
    image or category . By default uses Config.filebrowser.ajax
    with argument action=move
  • filebrowser.remove Settings for AJAX connections to the server toWYSIWYG
    delete the image or category . By default uses Config.filebrowser.ajax
    with argument action=remove
    @property {object} filebrowser.folder Settings for AJAX connections to the server toWYSIWYG
    download the list of categories .
    By default uses Config.filebrowser.ajax
    with argument action=folder
  • filebrowser.items Settings for AJAX connections to the server to download
    the image list in the specified category . By default uses
    Config.filebrowser.ajax with argument action=items
  • filebrowser.uploader=null Settings Module Uploader
    for fast uploading images in category via Drag&Drop file in the file browser. The default settings of
    the module Uploader


// default values
const options = {
  isSuccess: function (resp) {
    return !resp.error;
  getMessage: function (resp) {
    return resp.msg;
  ajax: {
    url: '',
    async: true,
    data: {},
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
    headers: {},
    method: 'POST',
    processData: true,
    headers: {},
    prepareData: function (data) {
      return data;
    process: function (resp) {
      return {
        files: resp.files || [],
        path: resp.path,
        baseurl: resp.baseurl,
        error: resp.error,
        msg: resp.msg
  resize: {
    data: { action: 'imageResize' }
  crop: {
    data: { action: 'imageCrop' }
  create: {
    data: { action: 'folderCreate' }
  fileMove: {
    data: { action: 'fileMove' }
  fileFolder: {
    data: { action: 'fileFolder' }
  folderRename: {
    data: { action: 'folderRename' }
  fileRemove: {
    data: { action: 'fileRemove' }
  items: {
    data: { action: 'files' }
  folders: {
    data: { action: 'folders' }
  uploader: null // use default Uploader's settings


Jodit.make('#editor2', {
  filebrowser: {
    isSuccess: function (resp) {
      return resp.length !== 0;
    getMessage: function (resp) {
      return resp;
    ajax: {
      url: 'ajax.php',
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {
        'X-CSRF-Token': document
      data: {
        someparameter: 1
      prepareData: function (data) {
        return data;
      process: function (resp) {
        return resp.split('|'); // return items list


var editor = Jodit.make('#jodit', {
  uploader: {
    url: 'connector/upload.php',
    baseurl: 'images/'
  filebrowser: {
    create: {
      url: 'connector/create.php'
    fileMove: {
      url: 'connector/move.php'
    fileRemove: {
      url: 'connector/remove.php'
    items: {
      url: 'connector/items.php'
    folder: {
      url: 'connector/tree.php'



Const DEFAULT_SOURCE_NAME: "default"

Defined in



default(self): (e: DragEvent) => boolean | void


Name Type
self IFileBrowser<IFileBrowserOptions>



(e): boolean | void

Name Type
e DragEvent

boolean | void

Defined in



makeDataProvider(parent, options): IFileBrowserDataProvider


Name Type
parent IViewBased<IViewOptions>
options IFileBrowserOptions



Defined in



makeContextMenu(parent): IContextMenu & IUIElement


Name Type
parent IViewBased<IViewOptions>


IContextMenu & IUIElement

Defined in
